A dialog with a person in spirit named Lisa – who is helping manage things on the other side as part of this team.
As communicated, with some in auto-writing:
- “Cincinnati” (where she lived)
- “Brain cancer” (what she passed from)
- “28” (her age at passing)
- “Mom had it too.” (Note: This further clarifies that my prior understanding during a reading was directionally “on” yet not fully clear. She passed from a “female issue,” yes, but it wasn’t breast cancer, or issues related to female body parts, but instead was a cancer that passed from her mother’s side.)
- “There was nothing they could do.” (to keep her from passing)
- She indicates to me that I was ready (for learning to do readings) and that she was ready for the new skill development (similar skill from her side – slightly different though aiming it backward to the incarnate dimension). So we are both at the same time being paired.
- She indicates to me that not all souls will be able to have the skills to “communicate the right way” (during readings) so she can help on that too.
- We are both excited and ready and strong, but have things to learn.
- It is a special opportunity for her too – “lots of people here really want those people where you are to understand. There is a lot they want people to understand about them, and what happens, and what they each experienced.”
- “Yah, there is a lot of excitement here. I know there probably isn’t as much or the same excitement where you are though. People don’t get it, so that excitement they could have isn’t there (in the incarnate dimension).”
- “But we get to do this, and try to make a difference for everyone – here and there.”
- “There is so much you want to know too – I can feel that. As we get to know each other more and more and get better at our understanding each other, I will try to share what I know.”
- “Yes, I am on the other side of the light.”
- “Yes, I know him – your love. And I know those around you in spirit too. There has been much going on around you getting ready for this – for us to try this and see where we can take this – and I think we can go far!! You are bright to me. Very bright. And that tells me a lot. I wish I could explain to you what I see so you could understand it the way I do and the way I see it/see you.”
- “I am not alone in being able to see it – it’s pretty obvious to us here. Part of it is just you. Part of it is the love you have with him. It’s so bright and so rare!! Pardon my word but it is a spectacle – like making people (in the spirit dimensions) gawk.”
- “Gawking to see it happening. Knowing that it could be possible, but never seeing it for themselves – but you two are making it happen, and it lights up the skies! You would do anything for each other – and you do. Neither one of you will budge (away from it) either. It’s actually pretty fun to stare and gawk – you have a lot of people watching. I bet you didn’t know that did you?! How can we not when it lights up our skies – I don’t know of any better way to describe it to you right now other than to tell you it’s beyond just bright and catches our attention.”
- “Yes, I am protected. So I am safe from danger during this and during the work that we will do together.”
- “No, I don’t watch you all the time – I don’t interrupt your privacy. I can feel it when you turn your attention to look for me.”
- “See, I am pretty skilled on my side too! Even if you don’t understand it yet from my side.”
- “I am very happy to be working with you too. I think that we will have fun – and I think that we can get a lot done and make some changes for people all over – here and there too.”
- “No, I don’t mind that you are writing this and sharing it – you don’t know my people there – my family and friends. So we don’t have to worry about that.” (As a practice I do NOT share names, identities, etc. so this was her giving me permission. I do not share the name of my guy in spirit – my love in spirit – as I do have connections to his family and friends but they are not aware.)
- “What other questions do you have for me?”
- “Yes, I do experience love here – but it’s not quite like what you have – which I don’t know if either of you fully understand because you are living it and experiencing it like you should be – you shouldn’t be standing back away from it to analyze it to understand it. Live it and experience it – keep doing it that way.”
- “You are quiet when you are taking this in and writing, while I am excited – partly because you are listening, and partly because you feel humbled/honored but not sure where this will go. We will figure that part out though – together!”
- “There is a lot we can do.”
- “I feel you are fading out of concentration – yes let’s pause – but just today getting connected we got a lot done. Now we can try and figure out the best way to work this from our sides so that we can work both sides as they (the Bookends) hold the space open (the space between the dimensions).”
- “I’ve got some stuff to do on this side – things that are lining up or seem to be lining up – stuff you probably don’t see or feel yet – but just know that it’s coming – we’ve got people coming. We’ve got support so don’t freak out or stress out. Do you know that you can trust me yet – I hope so but it’s fair to say that you will learn – that’s probably the best way anyway. Don’t stress out or worry because it can’t come until you are ready – we all get that here – no clock here! We wait to be in alignment with you. Ok see you later.”